Day 4. The final activations

The sun got up early this morning. Hans OK8BT put up his station on the terrace of the lodge. Unfortunately there was no DX. Europe woke up slowly with Eva HB9FPM as the early bird. Our group gathered around the radio for breakfast outside. Paul HB9DST left for the airport and the rest of our team went up to the highest spot in the area OK/KR-008 (Velká Deštná).

This was the last one of the 10 and 8 pointers on our list.  Margreet K2XYL and Hans PB22T started their journey to the Netherlands and the Romanian participants went to the nearest village to get new tyres for Bogdan’s car. Their mission was successful and Zoli was able to bag another two six-pointers OK/KR-074 (Stenka) and OK/KR-020 (Skutina).

Day 3. The loop North of Šerlich

Screen Shot 2018-08-16 at 17.57.34Starting from Šerlich we did a nice 12.5 km walk. We went up North along the Polish border with a view on the ski area. Our first summit, #2 on the map,  OK/KR-068 (Polomský kopec) had minimal facilities: a signpost served as support for the antennamast. The second summit, #3 on the map OK/KR-010 (Vrchmezí) had a shelter and some benches, most of them occupied by tourists.  We then proceeded to #4. OK/KR-061 (Sedlonovský vrch). This summit was in the woods and the activation zone of  our fourth summit OK/KR-064 (Kamenný vrch) was on the side of the road (#5 on the map).

On the way back to our lodge we stopped at the Šerlišský mlýn, a small watermill. On the terrace Zoli kindly offered us a well deserved beer. From there we continued the ascent to our lodge, still 150 vertical meters. Paul who will leave tomorrow, proceeded to the highest mountain in the area OK/KR-008 (Velká Deštná), while the others activated OK/KR-069 (Šerlich).


After dinner we were joined by Vic and Pete and three local amateurs Vrata OK1KT,  Mirek OK3UQ and Roman OK1DEU. Because several of us will leave tomorrow we had a farewell ceremony. All the participants were presented a small souvenir, that will remind us of the great time we had in the Czech Eagle Mountains.

Day 2. Some training needed

training in progress

Now that our three YO8 operators made their very first contacts we introduced a little training to explain the procedures for normal QSO’s and of course SOTA contacts in particular. All three are doing very well and managed to do four valid activations.

We found a parking even more convenient than the one spotted by Sorin. OK/KR-070 (Strední vrch) and OK/KR-062 (Tetrevec) were activated before lunch. In the afternoon we did OK/KR-009 (Orel) and OK/KR-060 (Vresník). When back in our lodge Zoli YO2BP was still full of energy and activated our house summit OK/KR-069 (Šerlich).

img_4760.jpgimg_4761.jpgFor dinner we met with Vic OK8VM and Pete M0HQO. The menu in Hotel Praha definitely has more variety than the menu in our lodge. Pork knees were the favourite choice.


Day 1

the 2018 SOTA Marathon team

Before breakfast we discussed the plan for the day. We split into two groups: the four Romanian participants in one and HB9DST, K2XYL and PB2T in the other. In two cars we drove to the central parking. We were glad to discover that the road to the parking in between OK/KR-071 (Zakletý) and OK/KR-063 (Kunštátská kaple) was open for traffic. Both teams had an easy walk to their summit. We noticed why the Czech summit database needs to be changed. Both teams had to find a way to allow their novice licensees to get the four necessary contacts. With help of two meter handhelds we managed to do so. We already knew that Vic OK8VM and Pete M0HQO are operating in the same Eagle Mountains area. Together with OK2PDT’s trip to Germany this resulted in a good number of S2S contacts.

After both teams had activated both summits we repeated the operation from OK/KR-012 (Anenský vrch) and OK/KR-013 (Komárí vrch). Back on the terrace of our lodge we thought that it was time for a good Czech beer.

Bad luck for Sorin

It was not Sorin’s lucky day. Near Bratislava his car broke down. An easy repair was not possible, so Sorin decided to have him and his car transported back to Timisoara. The second Romanian team picked up Zoli YO2BP and arrived at the lodge around 21h30. After a welcome drink it started to rain and we decided to go to sleep.

On Tuesday morning the rain was over. It’s still cloudy, but our team with HB9DST Paul, K2XYL Margreet, PB2T Hans, YO2BP Zoli, YO8RMJ Adrian, YO8XRB Bogdan and Andreea and YO8RFG Irinel are ready for the first four or five summits.

More travel plans

Sorin YO2MSB and Zoli YO2BP will start on Monday 13th early morning from Timisoara and hope to arrive on Masarykova in the late afternoon / early evening, depending on the traffic in HA, OM and OK.

Margreet K2XYL and Hans PB2T will start their journey on Tuesday 7 August. After a stop near Heidelberg in Germany they will proceed to Šumava in the Southwest of Czech Republic, where they will have a small training camp to prepare for the big event. Arrival at the Masarykova chata will be Monday afternoon.


Rooms have been booked in the Masarykova chata (see photo at the top), with GPS location 50.325994 16.386182 or 50º19’33.58″N 16°23’10.26″E.

The lodge is situated inside the activation zone of OK/KR-069 (Šerlich). While waiting for breakfast on the outside terrace we will try for early morning contacts with VK and ZL on 30 and 40 meters.


Change of Paul’s travel plan

Paul HB9DST has found a solution to attend both the Swiss Hamfest and the SOTA Marathon. He will be flying into Prague on Sunday Aug 12, arriving mid-afternoon and pick up a rental car, stay overnight with Pete M0HQO and Victor GI4ONL in Sadská Sunday night, proceeding to Deštné on Monday. He will be returning to Zurich on Friday Aug 17.


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